
Concierge Hypnotherapy

Practicing hypnotherapists often see clients who have been to multiple therapists without attaining adequate resolution of their problems and symptoms. Many prospective clients continue to be troubled by persistent anxiety, depression, shame, and anger despite having been in therapy for years. Some continue to relive past trauma. Others suffer from troubled interpersonal relationships. Could a more intensive form of therapy provide a better opportunity for resolving their recalcitrant problems? In this article, I shall explain a particular form of hypnotherapy that I have been practicing successfully for years with carefully selected patients who presented with these types of persistent complaints. It is called Concierge Hypnotherapy

The language of the subconscious. When nothing else is working to bring about desired changes, hypnosis, when employed skillfully, can often facilitate the change of dysfunctional behavior in therapy (Zarren & Eimer, 2001). The reason clinical hypnosis makes change easier is that it addresses the Subconscious Mind (aka the Unconscious Mind) where resistance to change resides. This part of the mind has only one concern – that is survival! The subconscious mind only feels; it does not think. The subconscious mind encodes and stores information literally, and it does not have the same type of memory system as the Conscious Mind (Ewin, 2009; Zarren & Eimer, 2001). If your subconscious mind does not feel the need to support a behavioral change, it will not support the change.

Conflict between the Conscious and Unconscious Mind. Very often, I see people who consciously want to change a habit, such as smoking or eating the wrong foods. The problem is their subconscious does not know that (read “feel”) change is necessary and desired. This creates conflict and conflict creates more stress. To facilitate the desired change, the hypnotherapist must use hypnosis in a language that the patient’s subconscious can understand and accept. Then the subconscious can get the message, and it will collaborate with the conscious mind to facilitate the change.

Opening the “doorway” to the subconscious. I explain to new patients: 

We need the cooperation of our subconscious mind to change deeply engrained behaviors and habits. When we get this cooperation, it makes therapy briefer and deeper. With your permission, we will use hypnosis to open the “doorway” to your subconscious mind so that bad ideas that have been operating unconsciously can be effortlessly replaced with good ideas. Hypnosis is the language of the subconscious mind. Therefore, hypnosis with your cooperation makes it feasible for me to communicate with your subconscious in a form it can understand. 

Ideomotor signaling to confirm acceptance of suggestions. I use ideomotor signaling to obtain confirmation that the patient’s subconscious accepts the need to make a particular change, and that it is willing to allow me help the patient make the desired changes. This makes changing much easier.

The “answer” lies within. I tell patients: 

All hypnotherapy begins with the assumption that the answers to your problems and the keys to resolving your bothersome persistent symptoms lie within you. The objective of hypnotherapy is to discover a better solution within you, and to interpret this information in a way that makes sense to both parts of your mind – your conscious and unconscious (or subconscious). This information is then used to resolve the problem and implement the solution.

Concierge Hypnotherapy. This is a one-on-one intensive service that is designed to initiate the changes that will allow the patient to be successful in making desired changes sans “resistance”. It is a personalized individual therapy service in which I schedule extended sessions with the patient over several consecutive days. This provides the time necessary to do the intensive therapy work of uncovering and resolving the root causes of the patient’s persistent unwanted emotional reactions and behaviors. Concierge Therapy might be indicated if a patient suffers from treatment-resistant and persistent anxiety, depression, troublesome shame, post-traumatic stress disorder, and/or chronic pain. Because it involves long sessions over several consecutive days, Concierge Hypnotherapy is not covered by insurance. It is a private pay arrangement that is paid for at the time of service.

Is Concierge Hypnotherapy right for a patient? I have patients answer the following ten yes/no questions to get a better idea whether Concierge Hypnotherapy is the appropriate treatment for them.

1Treatment-resistant chronic pain.  Do you suffer from persistent physical pain, or other bothersome physical symptoms, for which no specific medical cause can be identified, or which have not responded to appropriate medical treatment?YESNO
2Disturbing physical symptoms. Would you like to free yourself from disturbing physical symptoms that have persisted despite appropriate medical treatment?  YESNO
3Old emotional burdens. Are you carrying old emotional burdens you have been unable to let go of despite previous therapies?YESNO
4Treatment-resistant anxiety or depression.  Do you suffer from treatment-resistant anxiety or depression that has not responded to psychiatric medications or therapy?YESNO
5Persistent post-traumatic stress symptoms. Do you suffer from intrusive memories, flashbacks, nightmares, sleep disturbances, or other distressing symptoms associated with a past traumatic experience?YESNO
6Unwanted self-defeating behavior.  Do you engage repeatedly in unwanted self-defeating behavior? YESNO
7Need to know why.  Would you like to understand the hidden reasons for your self-defeating behaviors?YESNO
8Inability to stop an unwanted habit.  Have you repeatedly tried unsuccessfully to stop smoking, lose weight, or recover from an addiction or unwanted habit? YESNO
9Inability to develop healthy habits. Have you tried unsuccessfully to develop healthier behavior habits?YESNO
10Readiness to change.  Are you motivated to work collaboratively with an experienced therapist to rapidly achieve the results you have been after?YESNO

Your results.  If you answered YES to at least two of Questions 1 through 9, and you answered YES to Question 10, then participating in Concierge Hypnotherapy with me is likely to be very helpful for you. Permit me to explain a bit more…

What is necessary for clinical hypnosis to be used effectively in therapy? The therapist must know when and how to use this “power tool”. This is how I explain it to patients:

The “when” is the time you recognize that you need more intensive therapy than you’ve been getting and . . .

  • You know what you need to do but…
  • You cannot seem to do it so…
  • You become discouraged because…
  • The work feels too hard and…
  • You wish there was an easier way…
  • There is an easier way. It is Hypnotherapy.

The “how” is the hypnotic application of the right clinical treatment strategy in a form that communicates to your unconscious mind the true necessity of the changes you want to make. The effectiveness of the hypnotically delivered treatment depends on several factors:

  • Your motivation to make the desired changes.
  • A good therapeutic relationship with your therapist.
  • Your therapist’s skills in using clinical hypnosis and delivering the appropriate treatment for your problem.

Essentially, there are two approaches to Hypnotherapy:

  1. Direct Suggestion In Hypnosis (DSIH) is often effective for alleviating simple habits. I explain: 

With this approach…

  • I assist you in entering a focused state of relaxed absorption – a state of mind in which the critical factor of your mind is suspended and in which selective thinking is established.
  • Then I give you individualized suggestions in a form that your subconscious understands and accepts.
  • The effectiveness of this approach depends on the nature and complexity of your problem.
  • It also depends on the effectiveness of the treatment strategy that I formulate after learning about you. 
  • It also depends on how “on-target” my hypnotic suggestions are. 
  • Unfortunately, many problems are not simple, and to resolve them, it is necessary to find the root cause.
  1. Hypnoanalysis is the technique that I use to find and address the root cause. I incorporate Regression to Cause along with Reframing (Ewin & Eimer, 2006; Hunter & Eimer, 2012). This type of intensive work often requires multiple extended sessions which are best scheduled over several consecutive days (i.e., Concierge Hypnotherapy).

Attachment and Vulnerability. We humans are social creatures. Interpersonal relationships are the fabric of our existence. From birth on, we formed attachments with our caregivers to get our basic needs met. As we developed, we continued to form attachments. Unfortunately, many of us grew up with caregivers who, because of their own issues, could not meet our basic needs for a secure attachment. Repeated efforts to cope with insecure attachments and unmet needs often create dysfunctional relationship patterns which are repeated throughout life. This perpetuates a state of continued internal threat (aka a “fight or flight” state of arousal). This causes a variety of troubling psychological and physical symptoms secondary to…

  • Continued wear and tear on the body and mind.
  • Repetitive use of dysfunctional behavior patterns in problematic situations.
  • Formation of negative self-evaluations
  • Increased vulnerability to stress and further trauma.

Trauma and “Triggers”.  I explain to patients: 

Few of us have had “perfect” childhoods. Most of us have experienced setbacks in our life. Many of us have experienced some form of trauma at different points in our life. Traumatic events vary in severity. There are so-called “Little Traumas” and “Big Traumas”. Regardless, the experience of trauma creates negative imprints in your Unconscious Mind. These negative imprints predispose you (i.e., sensitize you) to respond repeatedly in dysfunctional ways to situations that “trigger” you. To be “triggered” means the situations bring up disturbing thoughts and feelings associated with past traumatic experiences. When you are “triggered”, you are likely to behave in unwanted ways. What can you do about this?

Changing unwanted feelings and behaviors. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapies and Direct Suggestion In Hypnosis (DSIH) frequently are effective for getting rid of unwanted feelings, thoughts and behavior patterns. But, very often, other unwanted symptoms arise to take their place. This has been called “symptom substitution”. When this happens, more intensive therapy is often necessary.

Attachment Injury Resolution Therapy (AIRT).  AIRT is an intensive form of therapy that addresses the negative fixed ideas about “self” that the patient’s attachment traumas imprinted in his or her Unconscious Mind. These fixed ideas can be likened to a “psychological tumor” because they spread to different parts of one’s life, creating misery, and giving rise to additional toxic ideas. I explain that I work from the following assumptions:

  • The original fixed ideas arose in your struggle to survive the trauma of broken attachments.
  • These negative ideas have perpetuated a state of continued internal threat and made you feel as if your trauma was still happening. The result has been that…
  • You have felt anxious, hypervigilant, ashamed, angry and/or depressed, and…
  • You have been repeatedly triggered.
  • You continued to struggle to survive because…
  • You were unable to leave the past in the past and live in the present. 
  • This has prevented you from getting better.
  • To get well, these negative fixed ideas need to be removed, and new healthy ideas need to be imprinted into your Unconscious in their place. Then you no longer will be repeatedly triggered. 
  • In AIRT, to diminish repeated triggering, we work together to uncover your unconscious ideas about what happened to you in the past that sensitized you to react in unwanted self-defeating ways. These are memories which we refer to as your Initial Sensitizing Experiences or ISE’s. I use Intensive Hypnotherapy integrated with other therapeutic techniques to retrieve these memories.
  • Please note.  “Memory retrieval” is NOT like rewinding a tape or video player. The memories retrieved represent your current ideas about what happened to you in the past. They are NOT an exact or factual facsimile.
  • Once we identify your ISE’s, (i.e., your understandings of the “root causes” of your symptoms), we continue to work together using Hypnotherapy and other appropriate clinical modalities (e.g., EMDR Therapy) to review, reprocess and reframe these ideas. The objective is to clear your Unconscious Mind of bad ideas and replace them with good ideas. This paves the way for changing your dysfunctional behaviors and feelings.

A technically eclectic approach. In summary, in my work, I integrate Hypnotherapy, Hypnotic Regression Therapy, EMDR Therapy, and other techniques and approaches as appropriate (e.g., Parts Therapy, Ego State Therapy, Energy Psychology, CBT, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy).

Concierge Hypnotherapy as the solution. Concierge Hypnotherapy is NOT covered by insurance. It is a private pay arrangement that is paid for at the time of service. In the initial consultation, we determine whether this approach will be appropriate and beneficial for the patient. In my clinical practice, Concierge Hypnotherapy has proven to provide the solution that patients with unremitting symptoms have been missing. 


Eimer, B.N. & Hunter, C. R. (2020).  Taming Chronic Pain: A mindful approach for bringing pain relief. Kindle Direct Publishing. 

Ewin, D.M. (2009).  101 Things I Wish I’d Known When I Started Using Hypnosis. Bethel, CT: Crown House Publishing Company.

Ewin, D.M., & Eimer, B.N. (2006).  Ideomotor Signals for Rapid Hypnoanalysis: A How-To

Manual.  Springfield, IL: Charles Thomas.

Hunter, C.R. & Eimer, B.N. (2012). The Art of Hypnotic Regression Therapy: A Clinical Guide

Bethel, CT: Crown House Publishing Company.

Zarren, J.I. & Eimer, B.N. (2002).  Brief Cognitive Hypnosis: Facilitating the Change of 

dysfunctional behavior. New York: Springer Publishing Company.

Copyright © 2024 by Bruce Eimer, Ph.D., ABPP, CHt


Make the Law of Attraction in Dating Work For You | Delray Beach, FL

I recently worked with a divorced man who was disillusioned about ever meeting a woman who wasn’t looking for a “sugar daddy”. He had recently ended a relationship with a woman whom he said primarily viewed him as a “dinner daddy”. In his online dating, he felt that he kept meeting women with similar mentalities. Often, his anger would surface, and he would then say something inappropriate. I reminded him that most of these women were probably hurt too. We then did some hypnosis. I invited him to “sit back and relax right now”. I went on to suggest:

“Close your eyes. And prepare to go inside for a few minutes of meditation. I’d like to invite you to listen to the meaning behind my voice. Listen to my words and allow your own mind to create associations that are meaningful to you. When you think about your experience, there are times when anger is justified and then there are times when anger just fuels a fire that should be put out. 

You have been meeting women who might be classified as “gold diggers”. And you have gotten ramped up. And angry. Because they signify what it is that you detest. You give them the power to anger you. You may believe that because a woman is attractive, she is able to get things for free. BUT NOTHING IS FOR FREE. 

When you focus on what such a woman seems to get, you fail to see what she misses. It would be beneficial for you to see what such a woman fails to get. 

A woman who is primarily driven to get taken to a fancy dinner. To get free luxury travel, and gifts. What is it that she does not have? What is it that you have that such a woman doesn’t? 

How valuable is self-respect? How valuable is a real man’s respect? 

When a person’s values are shallow, they probably don’t believe in God. Or even kindness. They probably don’t have time to care for a pet like a dog or a cat. They probably don’t have patience. They’re shallow. And they are most likely miserable creatures who are angry most of the time because if they don’t get what they want immediately, they then feel. Deprived. 

To live like that. To be all about what they can get, leaves no time to nurture a soul – Their soul or someone else’s.

When you think of what’s important to you, you think of Love. Loyalty. Companionship. Connection. Of course, you covet beauty. You deserve to be with a woman who’s attractive. You take care of yourself. And so should the woman that you desire. But when a woman is only thinking about material things, what she can get, she becomes ugly. Eventually she may get too much plastic surgery. 

If she eats and drinks too much, she will probably get flabby and too fat. And then she’s no longer attractive. And if she is impatient and bitchy, she’s miserable. This is not whom you want as a long term partner.

So, meditate on the kind of woman you’d like to have and love as your soulmate. What would such a woman bring to your life?

Clearly, you want attractive. But what else? Warmth. Kindness. Compassion. Empathy. Consideration. Communication. Wisdom. Intelligence. Athleticism.

Open your mind. Have flexibility. Acceptance. These are all the things that you know you want. So why waste your time, your precious time with women who cannot give you these things?

A jackal cleans things up by eating everything. Always on the hunt. Hunting for weaker animals. For waste. What a waste. Don’t waste your precious time.

Be strong. Why waste your time with people who are energy suckers? 

You want to meet a woman who is innocent? Who is honest? Who is pure? One who has good values? In order to meet such a woman, you need to set your intentions on it. When you intend to meet a woman like that, such a woman shall come along. She’ll come around. It is the Universal Law of Attraction.

Law of attraction says that you attract what you expect. What you think about.

And you know that when you get angry at someone you have just met, that anger is based on what you expect and do not get. And primarily thinking about what you don’t want, you get that – what you primarily think about. So, turn on your signal detectors to pick up the signal, the wavelength of a woman who has a soul.

Think about that type of woman. And refuse to think about all the other types of women that you don’t want to be with anyway.

And you will meet the right woman one day. Sooner than you think. That is, when you program your signal detector with the right woman’s wavelength – the wavelength of a woman with soul. And totally tune out the wavelengths of other types of women who are not for you.

You can do it. Tune into the frequency of who you want to meet a get to know. That’s what you want. You have the ability. Put your anger where it belongs. Put it in a place where it will stay until it’s needed. And it’s not needed when you talk to strangers. It’s not needed when you talk to acquaintances.

There’s a time and a place for anger. And most of the time, it is not the time. And not the place. Now meditate on that. And when you’ve meditated on this and you are satisfied that you’ve meditated for long enough for now, you can come back to a waking state. And open your eyes. And feel settled and strong and decisive and unafraid.  GOOD WORK.”

My patient left that session and met a wonderful woman that Christmas. What a lovely Christmas present!

For over 30 years, I have helped thousands of single patients who struggled with the dating world master their anxiety, anger and depression so they could eventually meet their soul mate. If you would like to learn more about my practice, or would like to schedule a free consultation appointment, visit us online or call our office today at (561) 377-1039.

Dr. Eimer proudly serves patients in West Palm Beach, Lake Worth, Wellington, Boynton Beach, Delray Beach, Boca Raton, Deerfield Beach, Pompano Beach, Parkland, Coral Springs, Hallandale, Fort Lauderdale, Miami, and surrounding areas.

Eimer Blog Entry 12-1-23

Copyright © by Bruce Eimer, Ph.D


Truly Quit Smoking: The Power of Hypnotherapy | Boca Raton, FL

You may have heard of someone developing an oral fixation; examples include chewing on a blade of grass or smoking a cigarette. When a person is addicted to nicotine, they develop a genuine physical and mental dependence on it. Distancing oneself from activities like vaping and smoking becomes more difficult over time as a result.

Nicotine patches, going cold turkey, slowly reducing your daily cigarette count- these are all perfectly normal avenues to consider and test along your journey. Hypnotherapy can also be a powerful tool to help someone overcome their nicotine addiction and/or oral fixation.

When your conscious and unconscious mind begins to interact through hypnotherapy, that is when you will stop smoking, feel less stressed, and experience little to no withdrawal symptoms. Our habits are controlled by the subconscious mind, and hypnotherapy taps into your subconscious to unlock lasting change.

Dr. Eimer feels the following are essential to the process, and are what anyone who really wants to quit smoking needs:

  • A compelling, emotionally valid reason
  • Understanding the effects of cigarettes on your health
  • Comprehending the consequences of continuing the habit
  • Recognizing the benefits of being a non-smoker
  • Skills for managing the stress of quitting and managing any symptoms of withdrawal

The best results come from having a powerful individualized live session, however, Dr. Eimer authored the Best Stop Smoking With Hypnosis Program available for purchase here

If you would like to learn more about this practice or would like to schedule a free consultation appointment, visit us online or call our office today at (561) 377-1039.

Dr. Eimer proudly serves patients in West Pam Beach, Wellington, Lake Worth, Boynton Beach, Delray Beach, Boca Raton, Deerfield Beach, Fort Lauderdale, Miami, and surrounding areas.


Helping Couples Rekindle Their Bond Through Hypnotherapy | Delray Beach, FL

If you have been having a difficult time relating to your partner, feel at odds, are struggling with miscommunication, or have lost the spark you once shared, have you considered hypnotherapy? Couples counseling through hypnotherapy can be a great way for couples to improve their intimacy and mutual understanding, with the caveat that each person is willing to put in the work. Contrary to common misconception, hypnotherapy does not absolve the couple of the work necessary to achieve their shared goal. It makes it easier to do the necessary work! 

My strategic approach begins by understanding each person’s dedication to the relationship itself, their willingness to improve it, their commonalities, and their differences. Once I have gained a well-rounded understanding of each person’s perspective and goals, I design our sessions to bring the couple back together in a way that addresses the real issues, rather than simply breaking surface tension.

Hypnotherapy is a powerful tool in helping couples relax heightened defenses, recall positive memories, and build new bonds. Of course, this doesn’t come easily for most people – it requires the commitment of each person to do the work. However, with my guidance and support, you and your partner can rekindle your bond, and carry on stronger together.

If you would like to learn more about hypnotherapy for couples counseling or would like to schedule a free consultation appointment, visit us online or call our office today at (561) 377-1039.

Dr. Eimer proudly serves patients in West Pam Beach, Wellington, Lake Worth, Boynton Beach, Delray Beach, Boca Raton, Deerfield Beach, Fort Lauderdale, Miami, and surrounding areas.


The Ways Hypnotherapy Can Help You Today | Boca Raton, FL

Life is difficult. Feelings of sadness, depression, relationship issues, and persistent physical pain are all parts of life. Addictions and problem habits are ways the unconscious mind establishes to deal with pain. Unfortunately, these coping mechanisms cause more problems. If you have previously sought therapy or medication for any of these things and haven’t achieved the results you were seeking, it may be time to consider hypnotherapy with an experienced specialist in this art. As a licensed, board-certified clinical psychologist specializing in hypnotherapy, I have helped thousands of people recover from depression, get relief from anxiety, manage persistent physical pain, overcome their smoking addiction, rekindle their connection with a partner, and lose weight for over 30 years.

Hypnotherapy is a useful tool for this therapy work especially when other means of intervention such as traditional talk therapy and medications have not helped enough. When we work together, I take time to understand you, your history, and your goals. Together we then map out a personalized treatment plan to address the things you seek to change. 

Our sessions will consist of accessing key aspects of your problems, exploring what factors maintain these problems, addressing feelings and thoughts, releasing old pain, envisioning improvement, improving distress tolerance, and promoting emotional regulation skills. 

Treatment goals include symptom reduction, skills acquisition, improved functioning, and reducing ineffective behaviors. Very specific therapy techniques I use include clarifying meaning, emphasizing behaviors for achieving goals, identifying and modifying irrational thoughts, resolving unconscious inner conflicts, identifying triggers and installing functional responses, imprinting motivational suggestions in the unconscious, and encouraging the use of relaxation, self-regulation, and self-hypnosis techniques. 

The result is you begin to feel empowered to navigate your life in a positive direction long after our work ends.

If you would like to learn more about what we can address through hypnotherapy or would like to schedule a free consultation appointment, visit us online or call our office today at (561) 377-1039.

Dr. Eimer proudly serves patients in West Pam Beach, Wellington, Lake Worth, Boynton Beach, Delray Beach, Boca Raton, Deerfield Beach, Fort Lauderdale, Miami, and surrounding areas.


How Hypnotherapy Can Help You Quit Smoking | Boca Raton, FL

Our subconscious controls our habits, and as such, that is where healing should begin. Hypnotherapy is an effective means of discovering your innermost relationship with smoking. Still, it cannot be accessed until the afflicted individual acknowledges their addiction and their desire to move forward. When the individual seeking respite from their habit and the clinician meet halfway, healing begins. All that remains is for the individual’s conscious and subconscious to interact so that the ability to quit smoking, stress less, and experience life without withdrawals may begin.

I have been working with cigarette-dependent patients for years and has developed a means of helping you to kick your habit in one visit. Here are the essential components anyone seeking to quit smoking needs before they begin hypnotherapy:

  • A compelling, emotionally valid reason
  • The effects of cigarettes on your health
  • The consequences of continuing the habit
  • The benefits of being a non-smoker
  • Stress and withdrawal management

Kicking your smoking habit is possible, you may just be attempting methods that don’t suit your needs or address underlying causes. The best results come from having a powerful individualized live session, however, I have authored the Best Stop Smoking With Hypnosis Program available for purchase here

If you would like to learn more about this practice or would like to schedule a free consultation appointment, visit us online or call our office today at (561) 377-1039.

Dr. Eimer proudly serves patients in West Pam Beach, Wellington, Lake Worth, Boynton Beach, Delray Beach, Boca Raton, Deerfield Beach, Fort Lauderdale, Miami, and surrounding areas.


Understanding Hypnotic Regression Therapy | Delray Beach, FL

Consider for a moment that your mind is like the current, your subconscious is navigating obstacles while your conscious mind flows. It’s likely you aren’t even aware that your subconscious is exerting itself in this way- until things get out of hand.

If you are struggling to contain the emotional undercurrent; that is, if you are exhibiting self-sabotaging behaviors, and/ or have thoughts or feelings that you can’t break away from, it may be because your subconscious is churning. Hypnotic Regression Therapy or HRT helps us access the subconscious mind, understand the true nature of our thoughts and feelings, and work our way out of the cycle.

Essentially, this type of Hypnotic Regression Therapy focuses on the resolution of significant moments or events in our past that have begun to interfere with our mental and/or emotional wellness. Hypnosis is widely known as a means of tapping into our deep memories; those which we know happened but may be unable to recall. Believe it or not, these memories and experiences play a significant role in our daily lives. Conducted by a well-trained and competent hypnotherapist, hypnotic regression therapy will guide you to tap into your subconscious mind and recall the experiences your conscious mind might not remember. 

Hypnotic Regression Therapy should only be undertaken by a licensed mental health professional who has been trained in the use of clinical hypnosis and Hypnotic Regression Therapy specifically. Dr. Eimer is the co-author of several books on Hypnotic Regression Therapy. These are Ideomotor Signals for Rapid Hypnoanalysis: A How-To Manual by Ewin and Eimer (2006) and The Art of Hypnotic Regression Therapy: A Clinical Guide by Hunter and Eimer (2012). He also conducts workshops internationally for therapists on HRT.

If you would like to learn more about this practice or would like to schedule a free consultation appointment, visit us online or call our office today at (561) 377-1039.

Dr. Eimer proudly serves patients in West Pam Beach, Wellington, Lake Worth, Boynton Beach, Delray Beach, Boca Raton, Deerfield Beach, Fort Lauderdale, Miami, and surrounding areas.


Couples Counseling Through Hypnotherapy | Delray Beach, FL

I take a solution-focused strategic approach to couples counseling. This means that my approach begins by understanding each individual’s dedication to the relationship itself, their willingness
to improve it, and where the partners differ in that equation. I also attempt to understand how each individual defines their own loyalty to the partnership, in order to get a well-rounded understanding of what’s really going on for them.

When a couple seeks my guidance, it’s usually because they are at odds with how they view or attend to the notion of loyalty. Unfortunately, if the individuals involved are at odds about their
commitment to repairing the relationship, couples counseling is unlikely to be effective. If however, each partner is committed to repairing their commitment to one another, the work can begin.

To provide couples with the help they seek, we begin by recalling the positive memories they hold of one another, and the relationship as a whole. Through hypnosis, we relax their defenses, which is important because upon entering couples therapy, defenses run high. The aim in this process is to make relationship repair an enjoyable experience, even though the process requires real work. In essence, I facilitate a safe place wherein the couple can re-bond. This is
accomplished by providing each partner with the opportunity to safely release their immediate frustrations and to create new positive memories together.

Hypnotherapy can provide couples the moment of pause they need to remember what brought them together, so they can rekindle their relationship.

If you would like to learn more about this practice or would like to schedule a free consultation appointment, visit us online or call our
office today at (561) 377-1039.

Dr. Eimer proudly serves patients in West Palm Beach, Wellington, Lake Worth, Boynton Beach, Delray Beach, Boca Raton, Deerfield Beach, Fort Lauderdale, Miami, and surrounding areas.


Stop Smoking with Hypnotherapy | Boca Raton, FL

Cigarettes are designed to get us hooked and help get others on board; of course, quitting is going to be difficult! It’s not about beating yourself up over failed attempts, it’s about finding a solution that works for you. Hypnotherapy may be the solution you have yet to find to overcome nicotine addiction.

The relationship between you and your smoking habit is entirely personal. Hypnotherapy for this purpose is effective when both you and your hypnotherapist meet halfway. It is important to understand what anyone who seeks to kick their habit needs to bring to the table. It begins with acknowledging what you’re seeking help for, and the truth about your relationship with it. You should also know that our habits are controlled by our subconscious mind, and that is where change needs to happen; hypnosis is a way to do that. Finally, it’s going to be the interaction of your conscious and unconscious mind that will result in your ability to stop smoking, feel less stressed, and experience little to no withdrawal symptoms.

Dr. Eimer has been working with cigarette-dependent patients for years and has developed a means of helping you to kick your habit in one visit. He feels the following are essential to the process and are what anyone who really wants to quit smoking needs.

  • A compelling, emotionally valid reason to stop smoking 
  • Understanding the harmful effects of cigarettes on your health
  • Recognizing the consequences of continuing the habit
  • Appreciating the benefits of becoming a non-smoker
  • Preparedness for stress and withdrawal management

Kicking your smoking habit is possible, you may just be attempting methods that don’t suit your needs or address underlying causes. The best results come from having a powerful individualized live session, however, Dr. Eimer authored the Best Stop Smoking With Hypnosis Program available for purchase here

If you would like to learn more about this practice or would like to schedule a free consultation appointment, visit us online or call our office today at (561) 377-1039.

Dr. Eimer proudly serves patients in and around Boca Raton, Delray Beach, Boynton Beach, Lake Worth, Wellington, West Palm Beach, Palm Beach Gardens, Jupiter, Deerfield Beach, Fort Lauderdale, Miami, and surrounding areas.

Hypnosis Hypnotherapy

Past Life Regression Therapy

Even as we enter the first century of the new millennium, people both inside and outside of the hypnotherapy profession still hotly debate the topic of past life regressions.

Two major religions believe in past lives (Buddhism and Hinduism). In addition, while most Christians  believe that we only live once, as of 1997, Elizabeth Clare Prophet stated that there are 28 million Christians who believe in reincarnation (Prophet & Prophet, 1997). According to Rabbi Yerachmiel Tilles, Judaism also accepts reincarnation.

A very significant percentage of the world’s population accepts the concept of living more than once. That makes the topic very relevant to hypnotherapists around the world. And as a hypnotherapist, I am asked frequently by clients and potential clients to facilitate a Past Life Regression with them.

I have facilitated many Past Life Regressions, and many of my clients have learned important lessons from their experiences. I am reminded of a recent client who wanted to resolve his anger issues. He regressed to a previous life in which he had been a woman who was raped and murdered. This woman had led a very wild life and had been very promiscuous. In another session, he regressed to an ancient life in which he had been a neglected prince who was murdered by being buried alive.

After each of these regressions, we examined what lessons he needed to learn from these previous lives. When he recognized that he was born into his current life to learn these lessons, he was more able to connect the dots in his understanding of his present anger.

Call Dr. Bruce Eimer at 561-377-1039 to learn more about experiencing a Past Life Regression or PLR session. You can also visit Dr. Bruce Eimer’s website,, or take a course on Hypnotic Regression Therapy at