Chronic Pain

If you are seeking answers to the problem of chronic pain, you are in the right place. Pain is complicated and chronic pain is even more complicated.

Pain is affected by physical factors, psychological factors, and social factors. Therefore, pain treatment needs to address all these influences. Pain is a puzzle because it does not fit neatly into the medical model of physical cause causing physical disease and physical symptoms. In many cases, the amount and degree of pain and suffering is not proportionate to the extent of tissue injury.

Because pain is complex, the American Academy of Pain Medicine (AAPM) states that “the practice of pain medicine is multidisciplinary in approach, incorporating modalities from various specialties to ensure the comprehensive evaluation and treatment of the pain patient”.

Unfortunately, you are probably here because you have been to see numerous specialists for your persistent pain, and you still suffer. When you live with chronic pain, the effects can be disabling.  What I do is to help people like yourself learn how to stop unnecessary suffering. Pain minus suffering does not hurt as much!

Psychologists define pain as “an unpleasant bodily experience that feels like something in the body has been or is being damaged or destroyed, that feels like a threat to or interference with one’s ongoing functionality and health, and that is associated with negative emotions such as fear, anxiety, anger, or depression.” (Price, 1999). So, from this definition, you can see the following:

  • All pain is real.
  • Pain is a signal that something is wrong.
  • Pain is unpleasant. It is not fun. It is not supposed to be. After all, it is nature’s way of alerting you that something is wrong, that something might be a threat.
  • All pain is felt in the body.
  • Pain is both physical and psychological.  Pain is felt physically and emotionally.
  • Pain creates fear. This is normal. But too much fear worsens pain.
  • Pain management requires dealing with the physical and the emotional factors.

Pain comes on without any effort. Therefore, it should not require any effort to make it go away. Hypnosis is effort-less. Hypnosis is the best non-drug method for taking the edge off pain and softening pain.

Factors that open the gate to pain and cause more suffering are:

  • Physical things as injury, inactivity, long-term narcotic use, poor body mechanics, and poor pacing of your activities.
  • Mental factors are focusing on the pain, having no outside interests, worrying about the pain, remembering bad things associated with the pain, and thinking that your future is a catastrophe.
  • Emotional factors include depression, anger, anxiety, stress, frustration, hopelessness, and helplessness.

Factors that close the gate to pain and cause less suffering are:

  • Increasing your activity, short-term use of pain medication, relaxation training and meditation, as well as aerobic exercise.
  • Mental factors include outside interests, thoughts that help you cope with the pain, distracting yourself from the pain, and hypnosis.
  • Emotional factors that can close the pain gates include having a positive attitude, decreasing depression, being reassured that the pain is not harmful, taking control of your pain and your life, and stress management.

Hypnosis can help you to close the pain gate.  Hypnosis the oldest tried and proven non-drug remedy for acute and persistent pain.

Try Pain Control Hypnosis with me and learn to close the gate on pain.


Hurt does not always equal harm. But because the effects of persistent pain tend to spread to every area of one’s life, when this happens, life becomes more difficult. Therefore, persistent hurt does cause harm when it tears apart the very fabric of your life.

To stop the vicious cycle, we must separate the suffering from the physical pain. Then, we can better deal with the pain itself. In life, pain may be mandatory, but suffering is optional. 

Another thing . . . If you have chronic pain, you may have been told that “you need to learn to live with the pain”. This is not entirely correct. The truth is that you can learn to live with less pain. Sign up for a free 15-minute consult and learn how.