Even as we enter the first century of the new millennium, people both inside and outside of the hypnotherapy profession still hotly debate the topic of past life regressions.
Two major religions believe in past lives (Buddhism and Hinduism). In addition, while most Christians believe that we only live once, as of 1997, Elizabeth Clare Prophet stated that there are 28 million Christians who believe in reincarnation (Prophet & Prophet, 1997). According to Rabbi Yerachmiel Tilles, Judaism also accepts reincarnation.
A very significant percentage of the world’s population accepts the concept of living more than once. That makes the topic very relevant to hypnotherapists around the world. And as a hypnotherapist, I am asked frequently by clients and potential clients to facilitate a Past Life Regression with them.
I have facilitated many Past Life Regressions, and many of my clients have learned important lessons from their experiences. I am reminded of a recent client who wanted to resolve his anger issues. He regressed to a previous life in which he had been a woman who was raped and murdered. This woman had led a very wild life and had been very promiscuous. In another session, he regressed to an ancient life in which he had been a neglected prince who was murdered by being buried alive.
After each of these regressions, we examined what lessons he needed to learn from these previous lives. When he recognized that he was born into his current life to learn these lessons, he was more able to connect the dots in his understanding of his present anger.
Call Dr. Bruce Eimer at 561-377-1039 to learn more about experiencing a Past Life Regression or PLR session. You can also visit Dr. Bruce Eimer’s website, www.BruceEimer.com, or take a course on Hypnotic Regression Therapy at www.HypnosisCE.com.