Taming Pain with Clinical Hypnosis—A 2-Day Course
Monday, May 20 to Tuesday, May 21, 2024
9:00 am (EST) to 6:00 pm (EST)
Reserve your spot here:
Conference Registration Form
Watch Video Now – Taming Pain with Bruce Eimer and Hypnotherapy Electives with Monica Geers Dahl
The clinical use of hypnosis to control pain is fraught with challenges given the complex problems of people with chronic pain. Expand your practice into the profitable niche of Pain Control Hypnosis. This fundamental 2-day course covers the principles and practice of using hypnosis for the control of pain and evidence-based hypnosis pain treatment strategies. Thoughtfully combined lectures, demonstrations, and clinical session videos are reinforced by supervised practice of pain control hypnosis techniques. After completing this course, you will be able to choose an appropriate pain relief induction, formulate an effective pain treatment strategy, construct powerful post-hypnotic suggestions, teach self-hypnosis for portable pain control, and minimize the risks of inadvertent negative consequences.
After completing this course, you will feel confident about using hypnosis to create immediate pain relief, and you will be able to demonstrate convincingly to a person in pain the power of hypnosis to change their pain experience. We will address clinical applications of hypnosis for low back pain, complex regional pain syndrome, post-herpetic neuralgia, chronic headaches, chronic pelvic pain, fibromyalgia, post-traumatic pain, and cancer pain.
Pain Control Hypnosis—Fundamentals For The Practitioner
Friday, August 09, 2024, 9:00 am (EST) to 11:00 am (EST)
Course # 12093
Reserve your spot here: https://ngh.net/course/?12093
Fundamentals of Pain Control Hypnosis for the Practitioner—A 2-Day Certification Course
Monday, August 12 to Tuesday, August 13
Post 9:00 am (EST) to 6:00 pm (EST)
Course # 222
In Person: Room Name: Coming soon
Post Convention 2 Day
Reserve your spot here: https://ngh.net/course/?222
Watch video now
I’ve been privileged to be invited to present my 2-day Pain Control Hypnosis course at the National Guild of Hypnotists Convention this summer in Marlborough, Massachusetts. Each day will be an intensive day of training covering the fundamentals of using hypnosis for controlling pain. You will also learn advanced techniques.
I’ve been doing pain management for over 35 years. There’s really a lack of effective therapists who use hypnosis well to help people get pain relief. Many people don’t believe that hypnosis can really relieve pain. Many erroneously believe that pain is all physical and that hypnosis is just smoke and mirrors. But this couldn’t be further from the truth. Hypnosis is effortless and pain comes without effort. Trying to fight or kill pain is usually futile.
In this course, you’ll learn specialized techniques for taming pain. You will..
• Learn the fundamentals of pain assessment.
• Learn how to explain hypnosis in your pre-talk.
• Learn how to help patients reframe their pain.
• Learn the neurology of pain mechanisms.
• Learn how to choose an appropriate induction.
• Learn a range of hypnosis pain treatment strategies.
• Learn to create an individualized self-hypnosis exercise to make pain control portable.
• Learn the AWARE pain control model.
• Learn the “Eight D’s” of pain control model.
• Learn how to use hypnoanalysis to uncover emotional factors worsening pain.
• Learn how to use ideomotor signaling techniques.
• Understand how to minimize the risks of inadvertent negative consequences.
• Learn to use hypnosis in treating common chronic pain conditions such as CRPS, low back pain, chronic headaches, pelvic pain, and cancer pain.
Join us for this cutting edge workshop at the NGH 2024 convention in Marlborough, Massachusetts on August 12-13, 2024.
Dates: Dates To Be Announced
Course One – Fundamentals of Pain Control Hypnosis for the Practitioner. This 2-day course will be delivered as a live webinar. Your instructor Dr. Bruce Eimer is a board-certified Florida licensed psychologist, certified hypnotherapist and pain management specialist. Dr. Eimer is the author of numerous books and articles on clinical hypnosis, psychotherapy, and psychological treatments for chronic pain. See his bio below.
See the course outline below.
Become a Certified Pain Control Hypnosis Practitioner. Health care providers frequently see patients whose lives have been disrupted by chronic pain. Unfortunately, numerous patients who are desperate for relief resort to high-risk treatments. Many become dependent on the frequent use of opioids which often cause devastating outcomes. You can build a unique and sought after practice niche helping patients with chronic pain get relief when you become a Certified Pain Control Hypnosis Practitioner.
Hypnosis for pain management is an effective pain treatment tool with low risk that is underutilized. Yet, it is not a newly invented therapy or clinical application – it has been employed with great success for more than two centuries. The use of hypnosis as a tool for relieving pain is not experimental—it is in fact supported by numerous empirical studies.
Hypnosis has been under-utilized as a pain treatment tool for the following reasons.
- Chronic pain patients are challenging. They are often difficult to treat and demanding because many of them have had very negative experiences in the health care system.
- Pain is complex. The factors maintaining unremitting persistent pain are often complex and effective treatment requires considerable psychological and medical knowledge.
- Hypnosis is an effective clinical tool only when you know what you are doing. Expertise in hypnosis alone is not sufficient to be competent in its use with persistent pain. It takes effective training in Pain Control Hypnosis, considerable practice, and practical experience to develop competence as a Pain Control Hypnosis Practitioner.
- The hypnosis practitioner must have an adequate body of knowledge – about pain and its physical and psychological ramifications.
- The hypnosis practitioner must have experience applying his or her knowledge of pain and hypnosis in working with patients who suffer from persistent pain.
- The practitioner must take advantage of opportunities to practice – evaluating pain patients, formulating pain control hypnosis treatment plans, performing pain control hypnosis inductions, and delivering hypnotic pain treatment strategies.
- Practitioners should limit their use of clinical hypnosis to problems within their scope of practice. So, dentists should not be treating trauma, psychologists should not be pulling teeth, and psychiatrists should not be practicing surgery – with or without hypnosis!
- Many practitioners who have taken hypnosis training become discouraged when they encounter difficulties in working with complex pain patients. They need to persevere and seek consultation and supervision with an experienced Certified Pain Control Hypnosis Practitioner.
- Chronic pain is complex. Chronic pain is maintained by a nexus of variables that are physical, medical, psychological, attitudinal, behavioral, interpersonal, emotional, and spiritual.
- In summary, the Pain Control Hypnosis Practitioner must have:
- Effective training.
- Knowledge of anatomy and physiology.
- An understanding of psychology.
- Experience using clinical hypnosis with pain.
- A useful model of persistent pain and hypnosis from which to generate interventions.
- Technical proficiency.
- A non-judgmental attitude.
- Compassion.
As a result, many people in pain who need help are missing out. However, you can be part of the solution to this widespread problem!
Learn to use clinical hypnosis effectively to control both acute and chronic pain.
When a patient has been in pain that hasn’t responded to treatment for a long time, it’s natural to become disillusioned and expect nothing to work. Most chronic pain patients feel this way. They expect to hear the same old things, such as “your pain is not going away – so you need to learn to live with it.” However, experienced hypnotherapists who have been trained to utilize Pain Control Hypnosis can offer such patients a fresh look at the problem of managing persistent pain. A trained Pain Control Hypnosis Practitioner will listen empathically, validate the patient’s disillusionment, and present a practical pain control hypnosis treatment plan.
Become a Certified Pain Control Hypnosis Practitioner and make a real difference. Our training will equip you with the skills to help pain patients “learn to live with less pain”.
Our next Fundamentals of Pain Control Hypnosis for the Practitioner course taught by Bruce Eimer, Ph.D., ABPP
Our Pain Control Hypnosis Practitioner Certification Training is for all healthcare professionals. This includes physicians, dentists, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, physical therapists, chiropractors, psychiatrists, psychologists, licensed clinical social workers, licensed mental health counselors, pastoral counselors, wholistic healers, acupuncture practitioners, and professional hypnotherapists.
- You will learn practical techniques that will improve patient outcomes within your scope of practice whether you specifically work with “pain” patients or not.
- You will obtain the knowledge and develop the skills to help people gain control over their physical pain and regain control over their lives.
- You will acquire effective clinical communication skills that create better rapport with patients, improved patient compliance, and greater patient satisfaction.
- Healthcare professionals and professional hypnotherapists who complete our 4-day course of study will be awarded Certification as a Pain Control Hypnosis Practitioner. This certification is recognized by the International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association (IMDHA) as a specialty certification.
This learning experience is both didactic and experiential. Thoughtfully combined lectures, one-on-one demonstrations, and videos of clinical sessions will be reinforced by supervised practice of pain control hypnosis techniques. This course will provide you with a solid foundation of knowledge so you can begin using hypnosis as a clinical tool to address and manage acute and chronic pain within your scope of clinical practice. You will be fully supported by Bruce Eimer, Ph.D., ABPP and his associates in your learning. There will be break-out groups to practice the inductions and skills being taught as well as ample opportunity for questions and discussion.
What you will get when you sign up
You’ll receive three valuable e-books as part of this course…
- Dr. Eimer’s recent book, Taming Chronic Pain: A mindful approach for bringing pain relief (B.N. Eimer & C.R. Hunter, 2020)
- Dr. Eimer’s popular book, Hypnotize Yourself Out Of Pain Now! A Powerful User-friendly Program for Anyone Searching for Immediate Pain Relief (B.N. Eimer, First Ed, 2002)
- You will receive a detailed course manual.
And there is more…
You will also receive…
- Numerous PDF files explaining valuable techniques and strategies for effectively using Pain Control Hypnosis.
- Step-by-step instruction for using these techniques and strategies with your patients.
- Access to my private Facebook Group, The Pain Control Hypnosis Practitioner.
- Documentation of Attendance and Certificates of Course Completion.
- Everyone who signs up for this course will also receive exclusive temporary access to the Zoom video recording of the course on a private YouTube page.
Class times Saturday and Sunday are from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm Eastern Standard Time US.
Our Pain Control Hypnosis Practitioner Certification Training consists of two 2-day courses.
These training are delivered as live webinars. Each 2-day course is given on a Saturday and a Sunday from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm each day with a 45-minute lunch break and mid-morning and mid-afternoon breaks – for a total of 8 hours of class each day. Each course provides a total of 16 hours of instructional time.
Class time hours for both Courses One and Course Two totals 32 hours.
Certification. If you wish to earn Certification as a Pain Control Hypnosis Practitioner, after you complete Course One, you must complete Course Two: Clinical Applications of Pain Control Hypnosis. Participants who successfully complete all four days of training will be awarded Certification as a Pain Control Hypnosis Practitioner.
You are strongly advised to be familiar with the material in both of Bruce’s books before you participate in Course Two. Although not a requirement, this will facilitate greater appreciation and learning of the clinical applications of the techniques covered in Course Two (see course outlines below).
Our next Fundamentals of Pain Control Hypnosis for the Practitioner course taught by Bruce Eimer, Ph.D., ABPP Dates To Be Announced
Our next Clinical Applications of Pain Control Hypnosis for the Practitioner course taught by Bruce Eimer, Ph.D., ABPP Dates To Be Announced
Course One – Fundamentals of Pain Control Hypnosis for the Practitioner
This fundamental 2-day course covers the principles and practice of using hypnosis for the control of acute and chronic pain. In this live online training, you will learn evidence-based hypnosis treatment strategies.
Some of the topics covered: What pain control hypnosis entails – when to use it – how to use it (step-by-step processes) – how to introduce pain control hypnosis as part of your treatment, and the value of a good explanation – choosing an appropriate induction – formulating a hypnosis treatment strategy – teaching self-hypnosis for portable pain control – ethical practice and minimizing the risks of inadvertent negative consequences.
Fundamentals of Pain Control Hypnosis for the Practitioner – Learning Objectives
After completing this 2-day intensive course, the participant will be able to . . .
- Define pain incorporating physical, cognitive, and emotional dimensions.
- Explain how chronic pain develops in the nervous system.
- Define hypnosis and explain why it is an ideal treatment tool for facilitating pain relief.
- Verbalize a simple neurophysiological explanation of pain to illustrate how hypnosis can create pain relief.
- Summarize the empirical evidence supporting the efficacy of hypnosis for pain control.
- Explain the elements of a good pain history.
- Explain how to use the B.A.S.I.C. I.D. model for pain assessment and to evaluate whether hypnosis is an appropriate treatment tool for a patient with acute or chronic pain.
- Explain how to prepare a chronic pain patient for the induction of hypnosis in a hypnosis pre-talk.
- List the main ethical and risk management concerns in using hypnosis for pain control.
- Explain the concept of “mindfulness” and how teaching a patient to practice mindfulness can facilitate pain control.
- Explain what “taming pain” means and why “taming pain” is preferable to “fighting” or trying to “kill” pain.
- Explain how to use the “A.W.A.R.E.” and “Eight D’s” models to formulate pain control strategies and suggestions based on your assessment of the patient.
- Explain how to choose the “right” trance induction for the patient.
- Perform two hypnotic trance inductions suitable for pain control.
- Formulate two hypnotic suggestions for each of three different types of chronic pain.
- Demonstrate how to explain and set up ideomotor finger signals to ratify and deepen therapeutic trance and to confirm acceptance of suggestions.
- Explain how anxiety, depression, and trauma are connected to chronic pain.
DAY 1 (9:00am to 6:00pm Eastern U.S. Time)
9:00 – 9:20 | Introduction. When and why is hypnosis recommended for pain? |
9:20 – 9:30 | Defining and classifying types of pain. Important pain terms and definitions. |
9:30 -9:45 | Neurophysiology and anatomy of pain perception. |
9:45 – 10:00 | Review of current medical treatments for chronic pain. |
10:00 – 10:10 | Why hypnosis for pain? When in the course of treatment is it used? |
10:10 – 10:30 | Case histories: Reasons for referral for hypnosis for pain control. |
10:30 – 11:00 | Definition of hypnosis. How hypnosis relieves pain. Current research on brain changes (e.g., fMRI, QEEG) |
11:00 – 11:15 | Mid-morning Break – 15 minutes |
11:15 – 11:45 | Pain assessment. Taking a good history. Ruling out medical causes. Assessing patient’s problems with the B.A.S.I.C. I.D. Case example using the B.A.S.I.C. I.D. framework. |
11:45 – 12:30 | Using the A.W.A.R.E. and “8 D’s” models to formulate pain control strategies and suggestions based on your assessment of the patient. |
12:30 – 1:15 | Lunch – 45 minutes |
1:15 – 1:45 | Preparing the patient for hypnosis. Hypnosis pre-talk. Use of informed consent. Informed consent forms. |
1:45 – 2:15 | Demonstration of Pain Control Hypnosis Induction #1. |
2:15 – 2:30 | Ethical practice and minimizing risk of inadvertent negative consequences. |
2:30 – 3:00 | Breakout Room for practice of Pain Control Hypnosis Induction #1 |
3:00 – 3:20 | Return to class. Discussion – Q & A |
3:20 – 3:35 | Mid-afternoon Break – 15 minutes |
3:35 – 4:05 | Pain Control Hypnosis Induction #2. One-on-one demonstration. – 20 minutes |
4:05 – 4:50 | Breakout Room for practice of Pain Control Hypnosis Induction #2 |
4:50 – 5:05 | Return to class. Discussion – Q & A – 15 minutes |
5:05 – 5:40 | Hypnosis and Mindfulness for pain control. Hypnosis and CBT for pain control. |
5:40 – 6:00 | Q & A – 20 minutes |
DAY 2 (9:00am to 6:00pm Eastern U.S. Time)
9:00 – 9:10 | Introduction to Day 2. |
9:10 – 9:30 | Pain Control Hypnosis Induction #3. Group induction – 20 minutes |
9:30 – 10:15 | Breakout Room for practice of one of the three Pain Control Hypnosis Inductions. |
10:15 – 10:30 | Return to class. Discussion – Q & A – 15 minutes |
10:30 – 10:45 | Mid-morning Break – 15 minutes |
10:45 – 11:45 | Ideomotor signaling for ratifying trance, confirming acceptance of suggestions, and deepening. One-on-one demonstration. |
11:45 – 12:30 | Breakout Room for practice of ideomotor signaling – 45 minutes |
12:30 – 12:45 | Return to class. Discussion – Q & A – 15 minutes |
12:45 – 1:30 | Lunch – 45 minutes |
1:30 – 1:55 | Formulating a hypnosis treatment strategy using the “8D’s”. |
1:55 – 2:25 | Choosing the “right” induction for the patient. |
2:25 – 2:55 | The AWARE Model. Five guiding principles of pain control hypnosis inductions. |
2:55 – 3:15 | Direct versus indirect suggestion – pros and cons. |
3:15 – 3:35 | The clinician’s “conscious use of self” and the “creative unconscious” |
3:35 – 3:50 | Mid-afternoon Break – 15 minutes |
3:50 – 4:35 | Video of a clinical case. Discussion of video and the relationship between trauma, depression, and chronic pain. (45 minutes) |
4:35 – 5:20 | Using hypnosis for chronic headaches. Video of a clinical case and discussion. |
5:20 – 6:00 | Review of the two days. Next steps in becoming a Pain Control Hypnosis Practitioner. Q & A. Evaluations. |
Course Two – Clinical Applications of Pain Control Hypnosis for the Practitioner
This 2-day course is the sequel to Course One and covers clinical applications of the skills learned in Course One. Topics covered: Review of pain control hypnosis principles and techniques – clinical applications of pain control hypnosis: chronic pain (low back pain, headaches, complex regional pain syndrome) – acute pain (accidents, falls, burns) – dealing with anxiety (generalized anxiety, sleep problems, dental procedures, medical procedures, surgery) – coping with cancer (cancer pain, treatment side effects) – post-trauma pain (motor vehicle accidents, sports injuries, falls, physical assaults).
Teaching will incorporate clinical case, videos, demonstration’s and practice of techniques to be determined by participant needs. Certification. If you wish to earn Certification as a Pain Control Hypnosis Practitioner after you complete Course One, you must complete Course Two: Clinical Applications of Pain Control Hypnosis.
DAY 1 (9:00am to 6:00pm Eastern U.S. Time)
9:00 – 10:00 | Review of pain control hypnosis principles and techniques. Designing your hypnosis pretalk individualized to your patient. |
10:00 – 10:30 | Demonstration of the Dave Elman Induction for Analgesia (DEIA). |
10:30 – 11:15 | Breakout Rooms for practice of DEIA – 45 minutes |
11:15 – 11:30 | Mid-morning Break – 15 minutes |
11:30 – 12:30 | Hypnosis for Chronic Back Pain and Fibromyalgia. |
12:30 – 1:15 | Lunch – 45 Minutes |
1:15 – 2:15 | Hypnosis in the treatment of Chronic headaches. |
2:15 – 2:45 | Hypnosis for Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. |
2:45 – 3:30 | Breakout Room for practice of BASIC ID Intake, Induction & Treatment. |
3:30 – 3:45 | Discussion and Q&A. |
3:45 – 4:00 | Mid-afternoon Break. |
4:00 – 4:30 | Hypnosis for athletic and sports injuries. Teaching self-hypnosis for portable anxiety and pain control. |
4:30 – 5:00 | Hypnosis for acute pain. |
5:00 – 5:30 | Hypnosis for burns. |
5:30 – 6:00 | Wrap-up of Day 1. |
DAY 2 (9:00am to 6:00pm Eastern U.S. Time)
9:00 – 9:15 | Artfully dealing with resistance. |
9:15 – 9:45 | Demonstration of Conversational Induction for Pain Relief (CIPR). Post-hypnotic suggestions for portable pain relief. |
9:45 – 10:30 | Breakout Room for practice of CIPR – 45 minutes. |
10:30 – 11:00 | Hypnosis for Dental Anxiety and Pain. Teaching self-hypnosis. |
11:00 – 11:15 | Mid-morning Break – 15 minutes |
11:15 – 12:00 | Supervised practice of teaching self-hypnosis for dental anxiety. |
12:00 – 12:15 | Class discussion and Q&A. |
12:15 – 1:00 | Hypnosis for surgery preparation. Teaching self-hypnosis for anxiety control. |
1:00 – 1:45 | LUNCH |
1:45 – 2:15 | Hypnosis for surgery preparation. |
2:15 – 3:00 | Breakout practice session. |
3:00 – 3:15 | Discussion. |
3:15 – 4:00 | Hypnosis for cancer pain and treatment side effects. |
4:00 – 4:15 | 15-minute break |
4:15 – 5:15 | Hypnosis for pain secondary to acute and repeated trauma. Dealing with depression. |
5:15 – 6:00 | Review of the two days. Course Evaluations. Take-home Course Exam. Certification. |
Bruce Eimer, Ph.D., ABPP is a Florida Licensed Psychologist who is Board Certified with the American Board of Professional Psychology in Behavioral & Cognitive Psychology. He is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association, the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, and the International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association. Bruce has been in practice since 1986 and has treated thousands of patients with chronic pain problems and anxiety and mood disorders. He was the Director of Pain Psychology at a busy hospital pain clinic for seven years and has served on staff at multiple hospitals. He currently maintains office locations in both Lake Worth and Delray Beach, Florida and offers online as well as in-office appointments. Bruce has given hundreds of talks and workshops and has authored or co-authored nine books and over 100 articles and book chapters. Dr. Eimer regularly teaches workshops on Pain Control Hypnosis to hypnotherapists, psychologists, psychotherapists, physicians, dentists, and nurses.
Learn how to do Pain Control Hypnosis effectively and open a valuable new niche for your practice as you begin to work with patients whom other practitioners have failed to effectively help. As you develop your skills with experience and practice, you will become better at doing Pain Control Hypnosis within your scope of practice. After you complete your training in Pain Control Hypnosis, you will have the opportunity to join our Pain Control Hypnosis Practice Groups.
Eimer, B.N. (2008). Hypnotize Yourself Out of Pain Now! (Second Ed.). Bethel, CT: Crown House. You receive this as part of the course.
Eimer, B.N. & Freeman, A. (1998). Pain Management Psychotherapy: A Practical Guide. New York: John Wiley.
Eimer, B.N. & Hunter, C. R. (2020). Taming Chronic Pain: A mindful approach for bringing pain relief. Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing. You receive this as part of the course.
Ewin, D.M., & Eimer, B.N. (2006). Ideomotor Signals for Rapid Hypnoanalysis: A How-To Manual. Springfield, IL: Charles Thomas.
Bruce Eimer, Ph.D., LLC offers affordable quality continuing education to all mental health professionals, licensed psychologists, school psychologists, physicians, physician assistants, nurses, dentists and professional hypnotherapists. All Live Webinars are real-time and interactive. See accreditation details below.
- This webinar is a live, interactive class. You can join the webinar in real time from your home or office on a computer, tablet (e.g., iPad) or phone. However, for the best viewing experience, we recommend that you use a laptop or desktop computer.
- We use Zoom as our video conferencing tool. We recommend that you download or update your Zoom application before the webinar. Zoom updates often and this can help avoid technical issues. To learn how to update your Zoom application, click here: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/201362233-Upgrade-update-to-the-latest-version
- You will be able see and hear the instructor, the other course participants, the slides and videos, and you will have the opportunity to ask questions and interact with everyone in the class. You will have access to the handouts, which you can view on your computer or download and print.
- Full attendance is required to earn CE credit, Partial attendance does not count. You will need to show up on time and be present for the entire live online class to receive credit, just like at an in-person class. You will be asked to keep your video on at all times during the class. Once you are on the Zoom webinar, your attendance has been logged. There is no need to check in.
- It is your responsibility to check your computer hardware and software, test your access to Zoom, and test your connection before the class. You can check your access to zoom before the class by visiting Zoom’s website: https://zoom.us/test
- The class will run each day (Saturday and Sunday) from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm Eastern Time US. There will be a morning and an afternoon break and a break for lunch.
- At the end of the class, you will need to take a post-test and receive a score of 75% or above to pass. You will have up to three attempts to pass the post-test. Most people pass on their first attempt. The post-test will only be available at the end of the class. Once you pass the post-test, you will complete an course learning evaluation online. After that, our office will email you your Course Certificate, which you can view and print.
- Once you sign up for the class, we expect you to attend. If you have a last minute legitimate emergency, you will be expected to notify us in writing by email. In such an event, you will receive a credit to enable you to take the class on a future date. No shows will not be credited.

Psychologists who complete each two day course will be awarded 16 continuing education, credit hours, which are recognized by the APA and most state psychology, licensing boards. Psychologists who complete both courses, that is, four days of training will earn 32 continuing education, credit hours.
Bruce Eimer, Ph.D., LLC is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. Bruce Eimer, Ph.D., LLC maintains responsibility for this Continuing Education program and its content.
Bruce Eimer, Ph.D., LLC is approved by the International Medical & Dental Hypnotherapy Association (IMDHA) to sponsor continuing education for IMDHA certified hypnotherapist members.

AMA PRA Category 1 Credits for Physicians
Accreditation: This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the accreditation requirements and policies of the North Carolina Medical Society (NCMS) through the joint providership of MAHEC and Bruce Eimer, LLC. MAHEC is accredited by the NCMS to provide continuing medical education for physicians.
Credit Designation: MAHEC designates each of these live activities (Courses One and Two) for a maximum of 15.50 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™. Physicians who complete both courses will earn 31 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits. Physicians should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
Disclosure Statement: MAHEC and Bruce Eimer, Ph.D., LLC adhere to the ACCME Standards regarding industry support to continuing medical education. Disclosure of faculty and commercial support relationships, if any, will be made known at the time of the activity.
American Society of Clinical Hypnosis CEUs
Successful completion of each Pain Control Hypnosis Practitioner 2-day course earns 15.5 CEUs which are approved by the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis (ASCH) towards ASCH membership and/or certification. Successful completion of both 2-day Pain Control Hypnosis Practitioner courses (total of 4 days) earns 31 CEUs which are approved by ASCH towards ASCH membership and/or certification.
Advanced Pain Control Hypnosis Practitioner Training
Certified pain control hypnosis practitioners will have the option of taking a two-day advanced course covering the intricacies of addressing complex clinical cases as well as refining pain control hypnosis skills.
Mastering Pain Control Hypnosis Group Supervision
Certified Pain Control Hypnosis Practitioners who complete the advanced training will have the option of enrolling in a 6-session supervision group leading to Certification as a Master Practitioner of Pain Control Hypnosis.
ADA Policy
My online courses are accessible to anyone who is able to access the internet. ADA accommodation for the online courses offered by Bruce Eimer, Ph.D., LLC are available through the computer-human interface already available to the user.
For the visually impaired:
- Font size can be adjusted through the browser.
- Graphs and videos are described verbally.
- Course material can be printed.
- All questions and comments are made via the chat function in Zoom. I read all of the questions and comments that are asked and typed in the chat room.
For the hearing impaired:
- Audio volume can be adjusted.
- The user can use headphones.
- We use closed-captioning.
I make a concerted effort to accommodate to any participant’s ADA needs. Participants are advised to call or email me, the Program Administrator, at least two weeks prior to the event to make their accommodation needs known. Payment and registration are required to fulfill an ADA request. For in-person courses, I make sure that the venues (i.e., hotels, conference centers, classrooms, restaurants) are ADA accessible to people with physical disabilities.
Funding of the Websites
Funding for BruceEimer.com and HypnosisCE.com comes entirely from revenue derived from clinical services, continuing education courses, and the sale of some informational products through our store. We do not host any form of advertising.